Posts tagged Mazaska Talks
Washington State takes strongest clean commercial buildings action in the nation

The Washington State Building Code Council voted 11-3 today to adopt a new statewide commercial and multifamily building energy code that will be the strongest, most climate-friendly in the country by driving the transition to clean electricity for space and water heating.

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Snoqualmie Indian Tribe Opposes Coastal GasLink Pipeline, Supports Canadian First Nations

As a sovereign Tribal nation and treaty signatory, the Snoqualmie Tribe is requesting the Canadian government directly meet with its leadership on a sovereign government-to-government basis. The Tribe will request that the Canadian government respect the rights of the Wet’suwet’en and protect the climate and ocean from the threats the pipeline presents.

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Seattle City Council Stands with Ojibwe Tribes Fighting Line 3 Pipeline

In a letter addressing the Tribal Chairmen of the Red Lake Band of Chippewa, White Earth Band of Ojibwe, and Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe, the Seattle city council states they, “support of your efforts to halt construction of the tar sands Line 3 pipeline. We recognize impacted Nations are fighting a long battle to decommission oil pipelines and to transition to renewable resources. This letter recognizes the harmful impacts of the oil industry on Native American community lifestyles, health, and sovereignty.

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Even The Most Connected With Nature Are Not Spared By Climate Change by Nour Gajial

Salmon thrive off cold freshwater from streams to survive, but as the temperature of our planet increases, glaciers have started melting, impacting the coolness of streams. If the streams gets too hot, the water reaches a point where it is inhabitable for salmon to survive so the fish will die off.

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Nationwide Protests at Financial Institutions Call for An End to Funding for Tar Sands Pipelines

Dozens of events took place across the country today as part of “Stop Funding Tar Sands: Day of Solidarity with Frontline Communities,” an international day of demonstrations against the financing of tar sands pipelines that are harming Indigenous communities and the climate.

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Wall Street Banks Seek to take Direct Ownership of Oil and Gas Companies

The news that major U.S. banks like JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo and other Wall Street banks are preparing to ask regulators to allow them to take direct ownership of oil and gas companies should ring major alarm bells on Capitol Hill and across the nation.

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“Stop the Money Pipeline” Coalition Blasts Oil CEOs White House Visit

Stop the Money Pipeline, a coalition of over 90 organizations working to end the financing of climate destruction, are warning that an upcoming visit of oil CEOs to the White House on Friday cannot lead to a public bailout of the fossil fuel industry.

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