Divest Black Friday
For Immediate Release: from Mazaska Talks
In the fall of 2017, Mazaska Talks led the largest protest ever of banks investments in fossil fuels. This month, Indigenous People are taking back the biggest revisionist and capitalist holidays of the year: Takesgiving and Black Friday.
We are asking individuals to be creative and to cover mall ATM’s with “warning signs” and place “notices” on ATM machines that let customers know that their money is financing destruction of the planet! Our targeted banks are below. These banks finance:
Enbridge (Line 3, Alberta Clipper)
Kinder Morgan (Trans Mountain pipeline)
TransCanada (Keystone I & XL pipelines), and/or
Energy Transfer (DAPL, Bakken, Bayou Bridge, & Rover pipelines).
Keystone I leaked 210,000 gallons of oil on the Sisseton Wahpeton Reservation; First Nations in British Columbia are building tiny houses in the pathway of Trans Mountain; and Enbridge has loaded the state of Minnesota with pipe, even though Minnesota hasn’t approved Line 3 yet.
Hundreds of indigenous people have formed camps and occupations of spaces in the paths of these pipelines, with dozens of arrests already. Treaties are remarked as Supreme law of the land in Article 6 of the U.S. Constitution, yet law enforcement is protecting and serving oil corporations instead of the constitution.
Wall Street clearly hasn’t learned their lesson from the #NoDAPL movement, as they continue to finance these repressive corporations. So, we’re getting together this Takesgiving to remind them:
Come for Mother Earth, and we’ll come for your profits.
#DivestBlackFriday #TakesgivingShutDown
JP Morgan Chase
Wells Fargo
Bank of America
US Bank
TD Bank
Royal Bank of Canada
Scotia Bank
Canadian Imperial Bank
Bank of Montreal
Morgan Stanley
UBS Bank
National Bank of Canada
International banks at mazaskatalks.org/thebanks
Mazaska Talks
Jackie Fielder, Mazaska Talks organizer
Rachel Heaton, Mazaska Talks co-founder
Matt Remle, Mazaska Talks co-founder
For media inquiries, email info.lastrealindians@gmail.com