Thousands of Minnesotans March for Missing and Murdered Indigenous People, State Officials Unveil License Plate Supporting Cause

 On February 14, thousands of people throughout Minnesota attended various  demonstrations and memorial walks to raise awareness of missing Indigenous peoples.  Advocacy work for missing Indigenous peoples has grown substantially over the last several  years with new legislation providing more funding for aiding families who have a missing or lost  relative due to violence, or trafficking.  This reporting was supported by the International Women’s Media Foundation

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Last Real Indiansmmiw, mmip, mmir
Indigenous Demonstrators Continue Opposition to Racism in Sports and Media at Super Bowl LVIII

 Indigenous demonstrators protest the continued use of the “Chiefs” by Kansas City,  as they played the San Francicso 49ers in Super Bowl LVIII at the Allegiant Stadium in Las  Vegas. It is the second consecutive year where demonstrators organized a protest at the Super  Bowl denouncing Kansas City, the National Football League, and racism in sports and media.

Article by Darren Thompson

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Ghost Nation Responds to Governor Kristi Noem: “She Must Apologize”

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem’s recent remarks resulted in the Oglala Sioux Tribe banishing her immediately from tribal lands, and now the Ghost Nation has issued a public response regarding her false allegations.

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Tribes to Consider Asserting Primary Jurisdiction over Yellowstone Bison

In an effort to invoke the sovereign supremacy accorded only to Tribes and the federal government under the U.S. Constitution, Holt and Buffalo Field Campaign are calling for a Tribal Summit to be held in Fort Hall this November. The invitation to 31 Tribes calls for replacing “the existing failed bison management plan with a historic agreement that appropriately honors the fiduciary responsibility of the United States to Tribes.”

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