Mar 12, 2014 - Enbridge Tar Sands to Montreal Pipeline Approved
Last week, while National attention was focused on the final week of the public commenting period to the State Department regarding the proposed Keystone XL Pipeline, Canada quietly approved another Tar Sands pipeline.
Canada’s National Energy Board approved the expansion and reversal of Enbridge’s Line 9 pipeline. “Reversal” means the pipeline will now be able to carry the tar sands crude oil east, rather than just west. “Expansion” means that it will be able to carry the tar sands crude connecting the Alberta Tar Sand’s to Montreal.
Enbridge hopes to eventually get its Montreal-Portland, Maine Pipeline approved for reversal allowing them to pump Tar Sands crude to the east coast for exporting.
An estimated 2 million comments were submitted to the State Department regarding the proposed KXL pipeline. The KXL has received the bulk of public scrutiny and attention, while other pipeline expansions and developments by TransCanada, Enbridge and other energy giants have quietly been approved.
Strong opposition, as has been seen to the KXL, is needed for all proposed tar sands pipeline expansions, as well as, against other destructive projects such as the proposed coal export terminals. Additionally, it is up to us to develop alternative energy solutions for our tribes and communities. Maka Ina, mother earth, and our future generations are going to impacted by the decisions we make today.
Mitakuye oyasin Wakinyan Waanatan (Matt Remle)