Feb 25, 2014 - Urgent: Save Killdeer Mountain and Protect Mni Wiconci in ND

Last year, Last Real Indian’s contributing writer Dakota Good House wrote about the efforts to protect Killdeer Mountain, a sacred site, in North Dakota https://lastrealindians.com/sacred-site-in-north-dakota-at-risk-by-dakota-good-house/

Killdeer Mountain, considered a sacred site to various tribes in the Northern Plains is under threat from North Dakota’s expanding fracking operations and a recent proposal to place power lines through the heart of the Killdeer Mountain.

On February 25, 2014, the North Dakota Industrial Commission will consider adoption of the “Extraordinary Places” policy http://www.nd.gov/ndic/Drill.htmwhich appears to provide only token gestures of protection to lands and sacred sites, like Killdeer Mountain, from rapidly energy efforts.

LRI asks people to contact the North Dakota Industrial Commission ndicinfo@nd.gov and demand that:

“We call on the North Dakota Industrial Commission [NDIC] to implement  stronger safe guards and policies in protecting Mni Wiconi, water, aquifers and sacred sites such as Killdeer Mountain in its Extraordinary Places policy.  Massive energy projects threaten traditional Native sacred places, as well as, the drinking water of all North Dakotans.  Further, we call on the NDIC to comply with Section 106 of National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), which requires Federal agencies to consider the effects of their actions on historic properties and to seek comments from the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP).   We encourage the NDIC to fully consider the impacts of energy projects, such as fracking, on aquifers, waterways, sacred sites, as well as, on human and environmental health and strengthen the “Extraordinary Places” policy to provide safeguards in protecting and preserving them.”

Last Real Indians