Feb 13, 2014 - Wakpa Waste Defenders Unity Statement


Mitakuye Oyasin; meaning all my relations, does not only pertain to the two-legged humans. As aboriginal indigenous people of Turtle Island we have a sacred unique bond with Unci Maka and everything that exists on her. Mitakuye Oyasin; all my relations, is a meaning that spiritually interconnects us to the land, sacred water, the two-legged, four-legged, the winged and the standing silent nation (plants). Like a chain we are connected, when one of our relatives is threatened, it then becomes a threat to all of us.

Our homelands and our sacred water is being threatened by TransCanada’s Keystone XL pipeline. As keepers of the land it is our spiritual obligated duty to defend the land, Unci Maka. Today, Wakpa Waste Defenders (Good River), a group based out of Prisoner of War camp 343 better known as the Cheyenne River Sioux tribe stand in unity with the Oceti Sakowin, Owe Ake (Bring Back the Way), the Oglala Sioux Tribe, Protect the Sacred, The Brave Heart Society, and many other grassroots organizations and resistors fighting to stop the Keystone XL pipeline from entering Lakota treaty territory.

We believe standing in unity will build strength in numbers, numbers we need to stop the Keystone XL pipeline from entering our homelands. As our ancestors fought and died so that we may live. We too, shall fight for our future generations and fight for our sacred water. Mni Wicozani, water is life! Without water there is no life. Without water there is no future generations. We are in a time, where Unci Maka and our relatives need us to stand up and protect them. They need our voices and actions to protect the longevity of our future.

Wakpa Waste Defenders encourage our relatives to learn about this important issue that directly effects the Cheyenne River Sioux tribe, our 1851 treaty territory, our children and our sacred water.

Water is Life! Say no to the Keystone XL Pipeline! You can’t drink oil! Fist in the air! Unity!

– Wakpa Waste Defenders

Last Real Indians