Alberta, Canada Announces US$1.1 Billion Investment in TC Energy’s Keystone XL

March 31, 2020 — The Alberta Government has announced they will ignore the calls for climate action and instead invest $1.1 Billion dollars to TC Energy to build the Keystone XL pipeline. This project has been seen as an upon attack Indigenous sovereignty and direct contributor to fueling climate change.
TC Energy also expects to get a $4.2 billion project finance loan to directly fund the project’s 2021-22 costs. This loan will be fully guaranteed by the Government of Alberta — which means that the Albertan government commits to pay back the loan if TC Energy is unable to. 
The following is a statement:
Dallas Goldtooth, Keep it in the Ground Campaigner of Indigenous Environmental Network:
"In this time of crisis, it is horrendous that the government of Alberta is choosing to invest billions of dollars into a project that will never be finished. This is nothing more than a last chance effort to bailout a dying industry. But let be known, Indigenous communities stand ready to defend their homelands and protect their inherent rights against the threats of KXL construction. They will not let this project be completed."
