Energy Transfer seeks to Double the Capacity of the Dakota Access Pipeline: Sacred Stone Camp Responds

Energy Transfer owners of the Dakota Access pipeline is seeking to nearly double the pipeline’s capacity from 500,700 barrels to 1.1 million barrels of oil per day. The Dakota Access pipeline’s crossing near the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation prompted months of objections before it went operations in mid-2017. The $3.8 billion pipeline runs from western North Dakota to Illinois.

The Standing Rock Sioux, which led original opposition to the pipeline, had sought a hearing. The tribe said expanding capacity would increase the likelihood and consequences of a spill. The pipeline is routed less than half a mile from the tribal reservation border, crosses beneath Missouri River reservoir that provides the tribe's drinking water. The Dakota Access Pipeline has recorded 11 spills since its operation.

North Dakota regulators have set a Nov. 13 public hearing on a proposed expansion of the Dakota Access pipeline in Linton North Dakota one of sites for the proposed intake stations. An administrative law judge granted the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s request to intervene in the Dakota Access Pipeline operator’s quest to expand the line’s capacity Thursday, Sept. 12. In his order, Administrative Law Judge Timothy Dawson said there was no opposition to the tribe’s petition. Tim Purdon, an attorney for the tribe, said he expects the decision will allow the tribe to cross-examine Energy Transfer’s witnesses and to call their own witnesses during a Nov. 13 Public Service Commission hearing in Linton, N.D.

“The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe appreciates having been granted the opportunity to participate in the North Dakota PSC hearing regarding the DAPL expansion and looks forward to sharing its concerns,” tribal Chairman Mike Faith said in a statement.

Sacred Stone representative LaDonna Allard we continue to object to this pipeline and stand by our belief that water is life.