Jan 12, 2019 - The 11th Hour

There are those of us who are not Indigenous, but we can see clearly. We see that we are in the 11th hour. We see that we must support the human beings and their rights, and defend against the Wendigo. This has been said before, this is not new. Yet the time is now, this moment is new. We must support the Wet’suwet’en and all sovereign nations who are defending their territories against the United States and the Canadian governments. What these governments have done is the invasion of sovereign nations through military force; Canada and the United States have declared war on our Indigenous families. Again, this is nothing new. Both governments are acting on behalf of the wishes of big oil companies whose owners and share holders are on a whole other level of greed and tyranny. It’s clear to those of us who can see that this battle is not one of tanks, guns, bombs, and fire. The fire is not for us to kill; it is for the heating of our homes, the lighting of our paths, for cooking and for living; not for killing. 

This is a Spiritual battle. Those of us who know have been in this battle for lifetimes. Our ancestors fought this battle. We are here to end this battle. We are here to make decisions which will benefit the next Seven Generations. We are here to “break” the system, I say “break” because it’s already “broken”. The system was designed to be “broken” so that we’re forced to keep dumping energy into it; it’s a system of debt. Capitalism has poisoned our Democracy. The wage slave is the most effective form of slavery. We keep feeding the beast because we haven’t learned to unite and work together. If every free minded person decided to withdraw from their banks and quit their jobs simultaneously, the system would collapse. The system is dependent on us because it was designed and is governed by parasites. These millionaires and billionaires benefit from the death and destruction and they lack empathy. They are psychopaths, to them it’s just business. They themselves are hosts to spiritual energies which are invisible to most people. The parasite is much bigger than we think. This is a Spiritual War, meaning there are prophecies and there is Law.

We here in the 11th hour know that action is required in order to avoid the Black Road and to take the Red Road. We, the Niagara Falls Water Protectors, located in the heart of the Haudenosaunee ancestral home, would like to extend an invitation to all Indigenous and non-Indigenous spiritual leaders; When the weather is warm and pleasant, we welcome you to visit our home where we will be discussing the Sacred. We will host a summit which currently has not been announced, and we welcome all respected people of all walks of life to partake peacefully and respectfully in the event. We willfully open our hearts to the lessons and teachings of those whom we’ve yet to meet, in anticipation of learning and sharing our own wisdom. In this way, we will grow as a family and begin a tradition in a sacred place, perhaps annually. In a time when poverty, crime and corruption have crippled our hometown, we have stayed to fight the good fight and we have turned the tides of history in some small ways. We are continuing to work with our Indigenous neighbors, as we understand that they are our hosts and we are all guests here of the Creator. 

So, it has been said before; John Trudell was an avid believer in this theory. This is not something that can be understood by analyzing one part of it on the surface. This is a spiritual crisis for those who are just now awakening to such things, whose eyes are just now opening. They are experiencing stimulation from every conceivable direction and when this happens exponentially it may lead to violence. We must meet and discuss ways to overcome this spiritual darkness with light and nonviolence; yet we must remain stern in the defense of our God given rights. We are not here to convert anyone to anything. We are here to stand as a beacon along the Path of the Red Road, so that others may know the Way. We are here to let our light shine, and in seeing this, those who were lost will subconsciously allow their own inner light to shine. When this happens, we illuminate the Path for ourselves and for each other. This is a return journey, we are walking each other home. 

By Ken Cosentino

I can be contacted for information regarding the summit via email:whitelioninc@gmail.com

Last Real Indians