Aug 8, 2017 - Ashland City Council Passes Indigenous Peoples’ Day Resolution

Ashland, Oregon – On August 1st, the Ashland city council unanimously passed a resolution to recognize the second Monday in October, the Federal holiday Columbus Day, as Indigenous Peoples’ Day.

The resolution also recognized local Tribe’s stating, “The City Council honors the fact that the community of Ashland is built upon the traditional homelands of the Takelma, Shasta and Klamath Basin peoples and affirms the legal rights of the nine federally recognized tribal nations in the State of Oregon and all Indigenous peoples everywhere.”

City leaders stated their support for the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which the United States endorsed in 2010, but has yet to formally adopt, it states, “The City of Ashland is committed to protecting and advocating for justice, human rights, and the dignity of all people who live, work and visit in Ashland, and to supporting the principles contained in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (the “Declaration”).”

Ashland becomes the latest city, Tribe, State to pass an Indigenous Peoples’ Day resolution to replace Columbus Day.

In 2014, the cities of Seattle and Minneapolis launched a wave of jurisdictions passing resolutions to recognize Indigenous Peoples’ Day.

Read full resolution here

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