Apr 25, 2017 - Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska Votes to Divest from Wells Fargo over Dakota Access Pipeline

Juneau, AK – At the annual Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska Annual Tribal Assembly held April 19-21, a resolution was passed to “Discontinue the Tribe’s Relationship with Wells Fargo Bank” due to its financial backing of the Dakota Access pipeline.

According to the resolution (RESO 17-11) “the Tribe finds that Wells Fargo’s investment in the Dakota Access Pipeline and recent misconduct and dishonest business practices are contrary to Tribe’s strong commitment to conducting its business with socially responsible banks that support the sovereignty and well-being of Indian Tribes, and it is in the Tribe’s best interest to strengthen its framework for social equity and responsibility in contracting by enacting authority and responsibilities to ensure the Tribe conducts business with partners who are committed to support of Indian Tribes, their sovereignty, and the health and welfare of their citizen.


Stephanie Masterman, of the Seattle Seattle Tlingit & Haida Community Council (here presenting at the Seattle city council) helped present the resolution at the Assembly.

The resolution, which was presented by the Seattle Seattle Tlingit & Haida Community Council, further states that the Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska, “find that it is a priority to protect the Tribe’s sovereign interests and its citizens’ trust by managing and spending Tribal funds in a fiscally responsible and prudent manner that supports the sovereignty and well-being of other Indian tribes and declaring that the Tribe shall seek opportunities to conduct business in the future with institutions that, by their charter and ongoing business practices, seek to benefit the common good, engage in fair business practices, do not solely pursue maximum profit, support the sovereignty and well-being of Indian Tribes and their citizens, and do not engage or finance activities that undermine or damage the sovereignty of Indian tribes and their territories.”

Posted by Wakíƞyaƞ Waánataƞ (Matt Remle- Lakota)

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