Feb 8, 2015 - New Global Entity Focused on Threats to the Security of Indigenous Tribal Nations Created * Last Real Indians Exclusive *

On 7th February 2015 the Indigenous Democracy Defense Organization (IDDO) was created.

It is the brainchild of Barbados born Damon Gerard Corrie (himself of Indigenous Guyana Lokono-Arawak descent – and well known as the ‘radical face’ of the Indigenous Rights struggles in the Caribbean region), and it is a Pan-Tribal global entity established to respond to security threats to the Indigenous Tribal Nations around the world; caused by non-democratic occupational Colonial and Neo-Colonial Political Nation State Governments.

‘Respond’ covers a wide range of courses of action, and Corrie mentioned that it will include as a first response ‘the exposure of the threats to Indigenous Tribal Nations in the International media – as well as the official reporting of cases to the relevant United Nations bodies before any further action is contemplated or undertaken….”Human beings are the product of the times and circumstances in which they live, and the appropriate responses in the best interest of the security of the people will be taken at all times by the IDDO”…Corrie said.

Part of what is also being called the ‘Corrie Doctrine’ that is the foundation of the IDDO, includes the Internationally recognized legal fact that Indigenous Tribal Nations – just like Political Nation-States constructed on and around them without their consent in historical times – have not only a RIGHT – but a moral RESPONSIBILITY to protect all of their tribal citizens from undemocratic or tyrannical occupational regimes that rule over them by force of arms.

If (for example) a military junta overthrows an internationally recognized democratic government in which Indigenous Tribal Nations exist, Article 1 of the IDDO requires the Tribal Governments of any member indigenous Tribal Nations resident in that country – to issue an emergency declaration of ‘Territorial Independence’ from the government of the Political Nation State in such a scenario (provision is actually made for ‘enemies foreign and domestic’) if the Internationally recognized democratically elected government of that Political Nation State has been illegally removed from power (and by ‘illegally’ the text refers to ‘any undemocratic means that causes regime change’).

However, IF and WHEN an Internationally recognized legitimate democratically elected government is restored in the Political Nation State, the doctrine calls for the Tribal Government/s to immediately suspend the Emergency Decree of Territorial Independence – and resume a harmonious and equitable relationship with the legitimate government of the Political Nation State in which the Indigenous Tribal Nation/s in question resides.

The first and current Chairman of the Defense Commission (CDC) is Damon Gerard Corrie – who is also the CARICOM Commissioner for the Indigenous Democracy Defense Organization (IDDO).

In the IDDO there are also Commissioners for every other region of the world where Indigenous Tribal Nations still survive.

NB – The Indigenous Democracy Defense Organization (IDDO) is entirely funded by private donations and refuses any funds from Political Nation States that may cause a conflict of interest with the important and serious nature of their work to render assistance to the most at-risk and vulnerable Indigenous Tribal Nations worldwide. Membership is free, and the Tribal Governments of all Indigenous Tribal Nations who’s existence is threatened by undemocratic regimes – are encouraged to join by contacting Chairman Corrie at caribbeanamerindian@gmail.com

Last Real Indians