Nov 4, 2015 - Indigenous Environmental Network Responds to TransCanada Request for State Dept to “Suspend” KXL Application
For Immediate Release: Nov. 3rd, 2015
Contact: Dallas Goldtooth, KXL Campaign Organizer, Indigenous Environmental Network, 708-515-6158,
Indigenous Environmental Network Responds to TransCanada Request for State Dept to “Suspend” KXL Application
Yesterday, TransCanada corporation requested that the State Department pause its review of its tar sands Keystone XL pipeline, citing the uncertain status of the route in Nebraska.
The following statement is given by Indigenous Environmental Network Executive Director, Tom Goldtooth:
“We see this as a last ditch effort for the TransCanada corporation to avoid a rejection of its presidential permit application and is a clear stall strategy that hopes for a supportive President from the 2016 elections.
This dirty tar sands pipeline has met immense organized resistance from the Dene and Cree First Nations and the Métis community at its source, through the traditional lands and territories of the Oceti Sakowin, also known as the Great Sioux Nation, and from the Ponca people of the southern Great Plains. The mobilization of Tribal nations and the Native grassroots and youth, coupled with alliances with non-native landowners, helped the fight against Keystone XL pipeline become the marquee fight for the US climate justice movement.
Tribal Nations of the Oceti Sakowin have reiterated their opposition to the KXL pipeline in defense of their ancestral homelands, including but not limited to the territory of the Great Sioux Nation, as recognized in the Fort Laramie Treaties of 1851 and 1868. Standing in solidarity with tribal governments and traditional treaty councils of the Oceti Sakowin, we ask the State Department to refuse TransCanada’s request to delay this application and ask President Obama to take the opportunity to reject this pipeline once and for all!”