Oct 23, 2015 - Native Physicians Organization Passes Resolution on Tribal Disenrollment


OKLAHOMA CITY, OK – The Association of American Indian Physicians membership, during the 2015 annual meeting, extensively discussed the issue of tribal disenrollment. The membership, which consists of 400+ American Indian and Alaska Native physicians, unanimously passed a motion directing the AAIP Executive Board to draft a resolution expressing concern regarding the potential adverse health affects of disenrollment. See http://www.aaip.org/media/news/m.blog/76/disenrollment-background-papers-and-resolution

AAIP members with expertise in historical trauma and social determinant of health prepared background information for the Executive Board. On September 15th, 2015 the AAIP Executive Board unanimously passed the resolution on disenrollment and the negative affects it may have on the health of tribal citizens.

Disenrollment has the potential to negatively affect the health of tribal individuals and communities and the loss of cultural identity has been linked to depression and other mental health issues. Disenrollment may also lead to the loss of healthcare, housing, education, and employment opportunities, which are recognized social determinants of health.

The resolution recognizes the rights and sovereignty of Tribal Nations to determine citizenship, but urges Tribes to reconsider disenrollment decisions and to consider re-enrollment of former tribal citizens in order to improve the overall health of individuals, communities, and Tribes.

Since 1971, the primary goal of AAIP is to improve the overall health and wellness of American Indians and Alaska Natives. Our mission is “to pursue excellence in Native American healthcare by promoting education in the medical disciplines, honoring traditional healing principles and restoring the balance of mind, body, and spirit”. The full resolution and background papers can be viewed at www.aaip.org.

Contact:Polly Olsen, AAIP Executive Director, polly@aaip.org, 405-946-7072
Gerald Hill, AAIP Board President, president@aaip.org

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