Mar 18, 2014 - A.I.M. Founding Member calls for the Reinvigorating of the American Indian Movement

Dennis Banks, founding member of the American Indian Movement, has issued a call for the reinvigorating of AIM. Banks, who served as the National Field Director of AIM, calls for a National and International gathering of AIM families, chapters, support groups and individuals to be held in October in Green Bay, WI.

The gathering seeks to address issues impacting Indian Country such as:

  • the Keystone XL Pipeline

  • Non-compliance of several States on the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)

  • Non-compliance of several States with the Native American Graves Protection and Rehabilitation Act (NAGPRA)

  • Rejuvenate and reinvigorate the American Indian Movement

For more information contact the National Field Office at 763 242-4242

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Last Real Indians