Feb 19, 2014 - For Immediate Release: “Protecting the Rez: Protecting Mother Earth” Campaign by Matt Remle
Mitakuyepi, my relatives, the on-going assaults against our lands, communities, waterways, aquifers, and traditional forms of subsistence is seemingly endless. Multinational corporations never ending drive to exploit Mother Earth is, and has, created dire circumstances to our first mother and all her wakanyeja (children). There are many tools in which we can utilize in combating this onslaught, from returning to traditional subsistence ways and spirituality, to direct action, educational, and electoral efforts. We encourage people, communities and tribes to utilize each in efforts to protect Mother Earth and our future generations.
Last Real Indians recently launched its “Heating the Rez” campaign http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/heating-the-rez in part to decrease dependance on fossil fuels, “we are raising funds to deploy 20 home pilot projects to receive multi-fuel stoves to replace dependency on fossil fuels to heat our homes (namely propane).” Now Last Real Indians is launching its “Protecing the Rez: Protecting Mother Earth” campaign.
For the “Protecing the Rez: Protecting Mother Earth” campaign, we have drafted ready made resolutions for you to bring to your Tribal Council to adopt to bring protections against oil pipelines and Hydraulic Fracturing. Each resolution can be copied and formatted to specific Tribes needs. The first resolution is a draft ban against oil pipelines. With TransCanada and Enbridge rapidly seeking to expand tar sands pipelines though our lands, across our sacred sites and aquifers, we encourage tribes to pass resolutions banning these pipelines.
For communities outside of the tribal jurisdictions, these DRAFT resolutions can also be formatted to present to you city and our county councils.
For more information or support please contact Matt Remle wakinyanLRI@hotmail.com
Resolution Number
WHEREAS, (Insert Tribal constitution & bylaws adopted to protect and promote the general of tribal citizens); and
WHEREAS, (Insert Tribal constitution & bylaws adopted to regulate and license all business and professional activities conducted upon the reservation); and
WHEREAS, (Insert Tribal constitution & bylaws adopted extending jurisdiction over current and future Tribal lands); and
WHEREAS, the (Tribal Nation) is responsible for protecting Mother Earth from any pollutants that may cause harm to its citizens, land, water, and air; and
WHEREAS, Section 106 of National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) requires Federal agencies to consider the effects of their actions on historic properties and to seek comments from the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP); and
WHEREAS, the oil industry is engaging in a process to transport oil and gas via pipelines that could rupture, or spill and contaminate water resources that are vital and necessary for the tribal citizens livelihood; and
WHEREAS, the oil and gas pipelines process could endanger tribal water resources and the waters of the (name of aquifer) aquifer which is the tribe’s main resource for fresh water on the (Tribal Nation) ; and
WHEREAS, oil and gas pipelines could threaten tribal historic properties; and
WHEREAS, oil and gas pipelines frequently rupture causing significant harm to the environment, including, but not limited to, contaminating aquifers and disrupting tribal historic properties; now
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: that the (Tribal Nation) prohibits in perpetuity oil and gas pipelines that threaten tribal historic properties and is toxic on lands adjoining the (name of aquifer) aquifer or its tributaries, or flowing water that has the potential to channel to the (name of aquifer) aquifer and water resources, lakes, underground springs, and wetlands where tribal citizens reside on or near the (Tribal Nation) :
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Resolution banning Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking)
WHEREAS, the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa, hereinafter referred to as the Tribe, is an unincorporated Band of indians acting under a revised Constitution and Bylaws approved by the Secretary of the Interior on June 16, 1959, and amendments there to approved; and
WHEREAS. the Turtle Mountain Constitution and Bylaws was adopted by the tribal citizens to promote the general welfare of tribal citizens, and
WHEREAS, Article IX (a) Section 1 of the Turtle Mountain Constitution and Bylaws empowers the Tribal Council with the authority to represent the Band and to negotiate with the Federal, State, and local governments and with private persons. and
WHEREAS, Aricle IX (a) Section 3 of the Turtle Mountain Constitution and Bylaws empowers the Tribal Council to regulate and license all business and professional activities conducted upon the reservation, and
WHEREAS, Article II Section 1 of the Turtle Mountain Constitution and Bylaws extends jurisdiction of the tribe to land on the Turtle Mountain Reservation in the State of North Dakota and to such other lands as may be acquired. by or in behalf of said Tribe and be added thereto under the Jaws of the United States, and
WHEREAS, the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa is responsible for protecting Mother Earth from any pollutants that may cause harm to its citizens, land, water, and air; and WHEREAS, the emerging oil industry is expanding throughout the state and will eventually include Rolette County which encompasses the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa reservation and its jurisdictions; and
WHEREAS. the oil industry is using a process called hydraulic fracturing (FRACKING) to extract oil that requires the use of hazardous chemicals that could contaminate. water resources that is vital for the tribe’s livelihood and sustainability; and
WHEREAS, the FRACKlNG process could endanger tribal water resources and the waters of the Shell Valley aquifer which is the tribe’s main resource for fresh water on the Turtle Mountain reservation, and
WHEREAS. it is critical that Turtle Mountain tribal citizens-at-large are educated on the consequence of oil exploration and any other development that can cause any environmental concerns now and in the future; now
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa prohibits in perpetuity any hydraulic fracturing (FRACKING) or any other process that is toxic on lands adjoining the Shell Valley aquifer or its tributaries. or flowing water that has the potential to channel to the Shell Valley aquifer and water resources. lakes, underground springs, and wetlands where tribal citizens reside on or near the Turtle Mountain Reservation: and
THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa supports the efforts of tribal citizens to promote a public service campaign to inform our tribal membership of any environmental concerns pertaining to oil development and other initiatives effecting Mother Earth: and
THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa directs The Bureau of Indian Affairs to cancel their Advertisement for the sale of Oil and Gas Leases that was posted in the Turtle Mountain Times and other newspapers November 21, 2011 on Allotted Indian Lands in Rolette County. North Dakota and assure that all future bids include the tribal resolution informing the bidders that fracking is immediately banned in accordance with this resolution, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the tribe will work to develop similar laws and agreements with communities who are considering to utilize hydraulic fracturing (FRACKING) or any process that is or may be toxic on lands adjoining the Shell Valley aquifer or its tributaries. or t1owing water that has the potential to channel to the Shell Valley aquifer and water resources. lakes, underground springs, and wetlands where tribal citizens reside on or near the Turtle Mountain Reservation.
Mitakuye Oyasin Wakinyan Waanatan (Matt Remle)