Feb 14, 2014 - For Immediate Release: President’s Day Twitter Storm for #FreePeltier #ClemencyNow
For Immediate Release
President’s Day Twitter Storm for #FreePeltier #ClemencyNow
“Mr. Peltier’s unjust incarceration remains a festering sore that impedes better race relations in America. Surely the time has come to promote healing and a spirit of trust and genuine goodwill toward the Indian peoples of America with an act that serves both compassion and justice.”
— Coretta Scott King
On February 17th 2014, President’s Day, we are calling on people from around the world will take to Twitter to call on President Obama to grant clemency for political prisoner Leonard Peltier.
Use the hashtags #FreePeltier #ClemencyNow with President Obama’s twitter account @BarackObama to create a ground swell of support to bring justice to Leonard Peltier by calling on President Obama to grant clemency.
Leonard Peltier (of the Anishinabe, Dakota and Lakota Nations) is a long time Native Activist and member of the American Indian Movement. In 1975 he was wrongly convicted for the 1975 shooting deaths of two agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. U.S. prosecutors have repeatedly admitted that they did not and cannot prove Leonard Peltier’s guilt, and the appellate courts have cited numerous instances of investigative and prosecutorial misconduct in this case.
For more information on the President’s Day Twitter Storm for #FreePeltier #ClemencyNow go to https://www.facebook.com/events/484801674962984/
For more information on Leonard Peltier go to http://www.leonardpeltier.info/
“Justice has been elusive for this man. If the matter continues without remedy and action, it will soon be too late for any justice at all. A tragedy of this magnitude cannot be allowed.” ~Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Contact: Matt Remle @wakiyan7
Video from 18th Annual International Day in Solidarity with Leonard Peltier- Tacoma, Washington by Rebecca Jane Rodriguez