Jan 10, 2014 - Sequoia’s Winter Survival Backpacks by Stephanie Bolman
“One of the many blessings here at Last Real Indians is hearing from you. We are constantly being sent, and told about, the amazing and beautiful efforts YOU all are doing not only throughout Turtle Island, but across Maka Ina. This story came to us from Stephanie Bolman about the efforts their daughter, Sequoia, in putting together and distributing winter survival backpacks to Sioux Falls homeless Native population.” ~LRI
We went out tonight and gave out Sequoia’s Winter Survival backpacks. Sequoia and her dad walked for a short time as we looked for places that might be a place to seek shelter from the Freezing Cold. It wasn’t long before Sequoia understood exactly how COLD it was outside.
We gave out our backpacks and handed out packs of hand warmers to others. We shook hands with all and then heard an amazing story from a young native man. He was on his way to the Banquet for a free meal when we found him. He says he had some family here but stays away because his entire family is addicted to meth and he is trying to stay clean. He doesn’t have a reliable place to sleep but works during the day and tries to remain positive and hopeful. He was sooo appreciative and overwhelmed by our gesture.
We offered another man a backpack and gave a run down of the contents and told him we put some Sage in their for him too. He said, “Sage. Right On!”, you would have thought we gave him $100. We drove away and Sequoia started crying, she said it made her so sad to see them in the cold and hear their stories.
We end the night sharing with one another words to describe our feelings about tonight…Grateful and Hope. Grateful for the gifts that have been given to us and grateful for the opportunity and ability to give back. Hopefully we were able to bring Hope to those we met so that they know that someone thinks of them and cares for them. Hope that they we will persevere and someday overcome their circumstances.
Sequoia putting together some winter survival backpacks for the homeless Native community in Sioux Falls